Spang Power Electronics manufactures a full line of Analog based SCR Power Controllers. To meet the requirements for unique applications, Spang’s analog based SCR Power Controllers have a wide range of features and options. They are available in single-or-three phase and Phase Angle or Zero-Crossover control. Convection and forced air-cooled ratings to 1,200 kVA and water-cooled ratings to over 2,000 kVA are available, yielding current ratings up to 3000 amps for an individual power controller.
Spang manufactures both standard product and custom Analog Power Controllers from 1 kW to the megawatt range. The latest in semiconductors, cooling methods and solid-state firing circuitry are incorporated in the following analog based power controllers.
450 Series Single Phase
The 450 Series power control units offer standard control functionality in a compact package while maintaining the traditional high quality and reliability of Spang Power Electronics products.

650 Series Singles Phase/3 Phase
The 650 Series PCUs are definite purpose controllers which offer economical power control in a compact package while maintaining the traditional high quality and reliability of Spang Power Electronics products.

750 Series Single Phase
The 750 Series power control units offer numerous standard features in a compact package. The controller provides complete user customizing capabilities without rewiring or adding additional components.

B Series Single Phase/3 Phase
The B-Series power controller has been a reliable product within the industrial marketplace for over 30 years. It offers a wide variety of ratings, features and options (from 15 to 3000 amps; voltage, current or watt limit; voltage, current or watt regulation; overcurrent shutdown and NEMA enclosures).

C Series 3 Phase
The C-Series power controller is a smaller, lighter, more cost efficient unit which delivers peak performance under tough industrial conditions. This controller’s panel and bezel mount options allow effortless application into all industrial environments requiring any standard / custom enclosure types.